Happy 30th Anniversary to my wonderful parents! I honestly can’t imagine what my life would have been like without their love, commitment, example, and faith. They made our home a solid, happy, loving, and encouraging place to live and learn….
Garnier Opera House
The Garnier Opera House, built during France’s second empire in the late 19th century and famed home to one mischievous phantom, is one place I have been waiting to visit. Cavernous, grand, and intricately saturated with carvings, murals and bling, the opera…
a few words on paths
I found out I was accepted to Baylor the week of their homecoming. It was an accident, really. Logging on to my application account to check if the school had received the needed transcript, I found more than I…
I have two special visitors in town this week… I am currently teaching them the artful, aimless way of flaneur-ing. You know, how to wander around with no distinct rush- so what if you walk around 3/4ths of the Montmartre…
hotel de ville visit
Yesterday, I had the chance to explore the inside of Paris’ Hotel de Ville (aka, city hall). To be fair, explore is a bit of a stretch as there was a tour guide and we were confined to about four…
au train de vie
Adjacent to the Gare de l’Est (East Train Station) sits the quiet, unassuming, but all together quirky Au Train de Vie. A friend and I saw the cafe featured in a movie last week and were too intrigued to not…