The hotel I stayed at was just down the street from the Colloseum. Seriously. When my friend Brooke and I turned onto our hotel’s via, there it was. You know, normal stuff y’all. You can imagine then, this was the…
pick a place
Solitude in the sun? or group whispers in early evening dark?
attraversiamo: bridges
You know I love them in Paris, but the Roman bridges too, were quite swell. I like to imagine horses trotting or even racing across them bearing news to Caesar or the Pope.
rome: an overview
I was ready for the friendliness. This I had been told to expect. I was also prepared for the hand gestures – oh, they are so great. And the food – well, that I have been waiting for my whole…
more human than humanity
I’m currently walking through Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge. A book about the genuine humanity of Jesus Christ, I’ve had a mini-revelation with chapter five. Eldredge quotes a passage by G.K. Chesterton who is speaking of the first Christmas night,…
we’re on a break
Dear Planner, You have been my faithful companion for so long. It’s true: I love to write in you and let you help me plan the future. However, YOU ARE STRESSING ME OUT. I can’t keep looking at all the…