It’s really amazing how the blog world can link you to people you would never for any other reason come in contact with. I’ve read Little Brown Pen since my college days when Paris was only a dream. It was…
easter morning
How was your Easter? In France, the Monday after Easter is a national holiday so we are all starting our week today. On Sunday, I got up early (okay, not with the sun ,but definitely before most of Nice-ville) to…
easter goodies
Around Easter time, the bakers of this great nation out-do their normal delicious selves with feasts of which chocolate eggs are only the beginning: bunnies, cats, frogs, owls, sheep, cows, turtles and snails (!) are but a few of the lively…
i love his comeback comments
I was sitting at the top of a hill in the park. Below me people were dozing languid in the afternoon’s light while all around me the wind was sweeping the grass into a feverish waltz of dance. I had just finished praying…
parc floral + chateau vincennes
If you were dropped here without a moment’s notice, would you believe you were in Paris? I suggest, non, you would not. Parc Floral is my favorite new find, that situated at the east end of Line 1 is a haven…
regarde le ciel
I first saw it years ago in a photograph on a favorite blog of mine, but the last few weeks, it seems every corner I turn, there it is: Regarde le ciel. Spray painted on walls, signs, and the pavement,…