I was standing in my bedroom this morning, still sleepy from a late night and very little coffee, running late and balancing on my tip toes trying to weigh the pros and cons of my new black jumpsuit. The people at my office may think I’m crazy – this is basically a onesie. I’d be an adult wearing a onesie…to work. BUT, on the other hand, this jumpsuit is totally rad.
Should I risk being a little weird?
I walk around this world with a lot of voices in my head, but one place I tend to never hear people is fashion. The way I dress just feels a bit like an extension of my natural creativity – it simply is what it is. When I was in Paris, I walked by a shop window one day that featured a full-length black tulle skirt. With a single look, I could tell the skirt knew how to have a good time – and from coffee dates to weddings, it hasn’t let me down yet.
So as I stood in front of my closet this morning, rethinking my natural gravitation towards a black jumpsuit, I realized – This is my life – just wear the damn jumpsuit, Caitlin.
Now, I know it’s not exactly a life changing decision, but here’s the thing: if I didn’t wear the jumpsuit, it would be because I was concerned with the mere possibility of what others might think about me. Even more, I would be turning off something inside me that naturally clicks into gear.
Maybe you’re reading this thinking: This girl is crazy – to which I would say, You’re right – and I haven’t even started talking about the chambray jumper I fell in love with at Madewell last night. But where I am crazy about outfits, you, my friend, are probably crazy about something else. You may not think about what you wear, but I know there’s something you do, something you care about, something you totally really like and want to do but find yourself holding back juuuuuuust a little because someone somewhere might think you’re a little weird…or a little young or a little old, a little inexperienced or a little different.
Take my word for it and trust yourself.
The way you click on and into gear with that thing – you can’t back away from it because someone, somewhere may not get it. We’ re not meant to hold back, friends. We’re just not. This is your life and this is the only day you have – why not be a little braver and just wear the damn jumpsuit?
Caitlin, you understand and embrace what it has taken others (me and your mom to begin with) 50 years to understand and embrace. We are who we are, we love who we are – God loves us as we are….so why worry about what others think! Love yourself, love life, and live with no regrets! Love you!