So, I haven’t been around lately. That much you know.
What you may not know is that’s because of a new job, because I’m now co-leading my small group, because I’m on the last leg of fall travels and because after getting home from working two jobs today, this is the first moment I”ve found myself at a computer after office hours in weeks.
But don’t let my absence fool you – I have so much to say about what’s been going on – about how getting bangs reminded me of some really important things, about how a gimp, orphaned cat with five kittens changed me, about how a trip to the beach and a trip to Nashville were about the best things ever, about how my new job is everything and nothing like I hoped, about how my retail job exposed my weaknesses and gave me way more than I ever expected, about how friends and family are growing and changing and teaching me all kinds of things. There are so many stories I’m dreaming in my head along with ideas I’m’ sifting through to tell you about, but for now, you’ll just have to take my word for it.
I was driving to small group last night, grumpy that I could only be home for ten minutes between work and evening activities, annoyed with every driver that had the nerve to drive in front of me when the Lord reminded me of something. Last year at this time, small group was literally the only thing I had on my calendar. I wasn’t working at Madewell yet, I wasn’t writing for any publication yet, I hadn’t started getting to know people at church yet. All I had was this group of girls that I didn’t know but had a standing date with every Thursday night. They were what I had to look forward to – and here I am, a year later, mumbling about being tired from juggling two jobs and travels, not having time to unpack and do laundry not to mention see my friends, not having a day to sleep in for two and a half weeks or even time and enthusiasim to sit down and write something. As I drove to small group, God reminded me of all that He has poured into me this year – and I remembered how unbelievably good he is. So I breathed out all that frustration and remembered that – He is so good.
So that’s what I want you to take away today – He is so much better than our hearts could hope or imagine. And he is filling our lives, if we give Him the space and the authority to do so, with the deep and rich of life.
I promise I’ll be back soon – we have so much to cover – but until then, you can follow me here.
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